Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Column: Spring Has Sprung

June is my Favorite month. Its my birthday month, summer is in full swing, and there are good times to be had. However, April holds a special place in my heart.
During April, we say goodbye to the cold and dark winter (yes, the oh so cold and treacherous weather of San Jose) and hello to warmer spring days to come. With the warming sun come greener grass, blooming flowers, and the smells of summer. During April, I kick off my rain boots from winter and slip into my summer boat shoes (barefoot of course, its summer!). With warming weather, Baseball season starts, and while the midsummer classic is months away, April brings a glimpse of what the season has in store. In April the days begin to get longer, and as sunlight stretches longer into the twilight, we have more time to enjoy summertime activities. The Richmond yacht clubs Wednesday night races begin this month; in coming months, I will be sitting on a friends sail boat, donning shorts, discussing baseball, and what the rest of summer brings. Yes, April is the beginning of Spring allergies, Tax season, and there are still plenty of rainy days ahead, but I wont let those bother me, as I think off to the beginning of an endless summer.

1 comment:

  1. You need to review plurals vs. possessives. Check out this site. (You can also find this link on my favorite online grammar/style resources web page -- the link is on the resources page of the class blog.)

    * It's my birthday month
    * The Richmond yacht club's Wednesday night races
    * a friend's sailboat

    18/25 (late, -1 grade)
