Saturday, February 20, 2010

Top News: Reid open to public option reconciliation vote

In an article, featured on, the writer explained how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) may join a growing list of U.S. senators calling for the inclusion of the public option in health care legislation. A letter put out by Sen. Michael Bennett (D-CO) for a vote on the public option through the budget reconciliation procedure, has been gaining democratic senate support. As of Friday there are 13 signatures. Through reconciliation, democrats would only need a 51 vote majority to pass a health care bill. If Sen. Bennett's plan gains support, a fairly supported public option will be included in the bill. A representative for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) issued a statement saying " "If a decision is made to use reconciliation to advance health care, Senator Reid will work with the White House, the House, and members of his caucus in an effort to craft a public option that can overcome procedural obstacles and secure enough votes."
With support from Sen. Reid there may be hope for the failing health care plan. The public option, which was included in original legislation, is government provided health insurance to compete with private plans, in an effort to bring down premiums and provide care to as many Citizens as possible.
This news article has impact for any person following the health care bill saga. The public option, which was originally proposed by Candidate Obama, would give more coverage to those who were uninsured and also bring down premiums as the companies competed. This is great for Americans who are uninsured. However, the public option and the overall passing of health care reform is greatly opposed by Republicans and insurance companies. The Article also holds immediacy value, as the health care debate continues to rage on this very moment. Through the weekend it is expected the call for public option and passing of the bill through reconciliation will gain more support. However, for as much support for health care reform exist, there are plenty of Americans who passionately oppose the bill. This conflict value exist in any article covering the health care debate, as it is just that; a debate. Politicians and American citizens rally loudly on both sides of the health care debate creating a bounty of conflict and emotion news value.
The link for the original article is here:
For continually updated news on heath care bill and other political news check out

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis of the news values in this story. 10/10
